Previous projects and schemes we have assisted with are detailed below:-

Central Networks network upgrade (Central) circa £500million p.a.  - 5 year Framework

Scottish Water, Southern Water & Severn Trent Water on AMP's 4, 5 & 6 - Water treatment, Sewerage treatment plants and also the upgrade of the clean water networks.

United Utilities with the refurbishment of a large diameter water mains from Oswestry to Liverpool.

Working with small and medium sized Midlands Civil Engineering Contractors in the delivery of projects such as:-

- Canal Refurbishments.

- Redevelopment of redundant factory sites such as Rolls Royce & 278 works at Airbus Industries in Bristol.

- Highways England asset delivery schemes in the Midlands and Manchester areas.

Other works we have assisted with previously, is the procurement of multiple sub-contract packages for large Tier 1 & 2 Contractors.


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